Loneliness is Worse for us than SMOKING?!
Yes, beloved readers, it is true. For the first time in history, there are more people living alone and working alone than ever before. And that includes yours truly. As a natural introvert, it would be very easy for me to slip into a life of reading, writing, research, teaching, and coaching. Throw in a few movies a week and I’m good.
But I know that my emotional and social life has a huge impact on my physical wellbeing. And researchers are learning that the impact is far greater than anyone could have expected. People who are isolated can die sooner and are at risk for depression and chronic conditions. You can learn more by clicking HERE. (This is the first time I’ve ever linked to a WebMD article.)
So, how can EFT help?
1. Tap on Inertia.
Bodies at rest tend to stay at rest. Especially bodies on a couch! After a long day, when I want to motivate myself to not make it another Netflix night, I tap on tiredness and the normal excuses I tell myself:
“I’m just not up for it.”
“It will take forever to find parking.” (I always find parking.)
“It won’t be any fun.”
“I’m so busy.”
I could on and on.
No script necessary. Think about the event you’re looking to dodge and tap on the thoughts and feelings you have about it. Even if those thoughts and feelings are vague.
“I’m not sure why, but I just don’t wanna go.”
Your inner toddler may need some attention. Don’t ignore them, tap with them!
2. Tap on Social Anxiety
This was a HUGE problem in my life, which I write about in depth in my Energy Healing book. I would avoid parties, meetings, returning phone calls, you name it. It crippled my life in the most debilitating ways.
Think about the event. Allow those feelings of discomfort to come to the surface. They may come with thoughts.
“No one will like me.”
“I won’t know what to say.”
(Tip: Ask questions. People love talking about themselves.)
Welcome the social anxiety feelings forward and tap until the event feels neutral or even interesting.
Find ways to get out of your comfort zone and be in community with others. No man (or woman) is an island. During these days of great uncertainty, we need others in our lives. They ground us, give us new insights, and bring joy into our worlds.
I’ll be speaking at 2 loving, smart, and fun communities the next 2 weekends. I’d love to see you.
Spring is Back in my Step,
© 2019 Kris Ferraro. All Rights Reserved.

Releases April 30, 2019

Check this column for up to date information on:
-Book Signings
-Book Release Party
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-Release Week Bonuses
Wed, May 1st, 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Book Signing in Montclair, NJ
Click HERE for details

Kris Ferraro is an International Energy Coach, Speaker, and Teacher. She compassionately helps clients transform their lives, specializing in the areas of Self Esteem, Relationships, Anxiety, Spiritual Issues, Grief, Creative Blocks, and Stress. You can find her at www.krisferraro.com.